List of Exercises

MailLib Concept - Exercise #1

Summing all the variables in a series of variables, from prefix1 to prefixn, where n is the number of your choice

*function #sum #of

MailLib Concept - Exercise #2

Listing all the variables present between two given variables


MailLib Concept - Exercise #3

Including or excluding missing values in the computation of a sum


MailLib Concept - Exercise #4

Selecting observations using the operator like

#where #like #escape

MailLib Concept - Exercise #5

Dealing with an empty dataset when extracting the number of observations using a data step

*data step #set #nobs=

MailLib Concept - Exercise #6

Creating a character variable from another character variable using the function put: Avoiding truncation due to values not available in the format

*function #put *format #proc format #(default=) #other

MailLib Concept - Exercise #7

Creating a numeric variable from a character variable: avoiding unexpected matches

*function #input #inputn

MailLib Concept - Exercise #8

Creating a numeric variable from another character variable: Avoid unforeseen numbers

*fonction #input *informat

MailLib Concept - Exercise #9

Creating a character variable from another character variable using the function put: Avoid truncation due to format label width/variable length problems

*function #put *format #proc format #(default=)

MailLib Concept - Exercise #10

Getting the lagged values of a variable by group of observations in a data step

*data step #by #first *function #lag #ifn

MailLib Concept - Exercise #11

Transposing data based on variables in the by statement rather than on the position of the observation

#proc transpose #id

MailLib Concept - Exercise #12

Avoiding an implicit retain while merging two data sets in a data step

*data step #merge

MailLib Concept - Exercise #13

Avoiding overwriting the values of one variable with those of another when merging two datasets

*data step #merge

MailLib Concept - Exercise #14

Creating a character variable from another character variable using the function putc: Avoid truncation

*function #putc

MailLib Concept - Exercise #15

Extracting the list of variable labels from the metadata

*metadata #options #label

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