9 Benefits of Having an Expert for Your Online Training

Self-pace online learning can be challenging. What are the benefits of having sessions with a trainer?

Fighting Procrastination

1. Regularity

You have a fix timeslot booked in your calendar. It provides regularity in your learning activities. You know you will have the opportunity to ask questions at the next session and don’t have to waste time organisating a special session.

2. Deadline

Your next session is like a fix deadline. It motivates you completing your tasks by then.

3. Accountable Partner

Like a sport coach, you feel accountable to the expert you’re working with and don’t cancel an appointment so easily.

Boosting Your Progression

4. Asking Questions

  • Getting help with a specific issue. Avoiding being stuck.
  • Reassuring yourself on your current learning progress.
  • Making the connection with situations you encounter at work.

5. Being Questioned and Receiving Immediate Feedback

  • Could you explain me what this data step is doing? You feel you understand the code. Using words helps you make it intelligible and ensure that you can communicate about your work. The expert can guide you in this practice.
  • Why did you decide to do it this way? Your answer helps the expert identifying an misunderstanding you could have and correct it.

6. Developing Good Programming Habits

When reviewing your work, the expert can provide you guidance on how to check your log, how to structur your code for more efficiency and to save you from developing bad habits.

7. Considering Alternative Approaches

There is no one way to solve a programming problem. Your approach works but have you considered altheratives solutions?

Broadening Your Global Vision of the Market and Getting Inspired

8. Gaining an Insight into Your Industry

The expert gives you an external perspective on technological developments and key players in the market which can help you identify new opportunities and support your decision-making process.

9. Interacting with Other Students During and After the Course

The expert has developed over the years a network of former students now working in various industries. It is a valuable source of inspiration and advice based on real-life experience.

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